This book will help you discover the secrets that can result in your best health and maximum productivity, so that you can recover your lost money and time.
CHAPTER PREVIEW (Raw and unfiltered)
· Sunlight
Have you ever wondered why many modern buildings are built such that a beam of sunlight penetrates into the work environment? Many studies have shown that sunlight is beneficial to general health. Sunlight is known to alleviate depression and stress that could occur because of unmet goals at work. It is also interesting to know that exposure to sunlight is associated with decreased diastolic blood pressure levels, depression, anxiety, and increased attentional capacity. As such, sunlight directly or indirectly enhances physical and mental health. In general, natural sceneries have an automatic calming effect on physiological arousal. Researches have shown that people who are in the right mood perform better at work. Because of this revelation, it is needful to re-structure office spaces to favor collaboration and influx of new ideas.
Also, there is sufficient evidence that supports a strong relationship between workplace sunlight exposure and the sleep quality of an individual. Adequate sleep is known to improve performance and productivity. Research shows that disruption of circadian rhythm is connected with many common mental health issues, such as depression and seasonal affective disorder.
The vitamin D obtained from sunlight helps the body to function normally. For example, it is common knowledge that artificial and dim light contributes to eye problems and migraines. That is why people think and perform better when they are exposed to bright light.
According to Phillip Barker and his colleagues, adverse events in utero can be critical in determining the quality of life and overall health. They proposed that the fetal environment in the womb can determine the person's health challenges later in life, a phenomenon called fetal programming. Hence, the quality of your wellbeing and future health starts from the time .....................
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