Can We Lower The Cost of Healthcare?
Will you agree that clarity and precision eliminate wastage and inefficiency? Precision medicine has quickly become a hot topic in clinical reality. Many stakeholders, including healthcare providers, now have a better understanding of precision medicine, especially since the President announced the Precision Medicine Initiative. Hence, innovative provider organizations such as Mayo Clinic, Vanderbilt University, Harvard University, Emory University, and several others are leading the trail in the implementation of precision medicine through pharmacogenomics concepts. Other health institutions realize the importance of precision medicine.
Can you imagine that, annually, that Medicare alone spends over $3.5 billion on extra medical costs due to adverse drug events? These adverse drug events are responsible for between 2 to 8 percent of all re-admissions in the United States. The ability to study a report based on a simple cheek swab can help physicians and other health providers identify drugs that can make patients experience adverse drug events. Pharmacists have the unique skill and knowledge to analyze these reports so that patients can have better health outcomes. It is worth mentioning that one-third of adverse drug reaction cases are associated with a patient’s genetic make-up. For example, some patients break down a drug very fast, while others metabolize the same drug much slowly. Hence, over time some people will be more exposed to the harmful consequences of drug intake than others.
Imagine a 73-year old male who takes an antidepressant drug though his body system metabolizes the medication slowly. This drug often builds up in his system and leads to dizziness and sometimes falls. If he had a simple pharmacogenetic test before he started treatment and the result was analyzed accurately, the prescribing physician would have chosen an alternative medication that could have prevented the dizziness and falls the 73-year old experienced.
Can you guess how many people receive prescription drugs without pharmacogenetics tests and soon experience unfavorable health outcomes? A simple test upfront could prevent the emotional pain and financial burden of inappropriate drug therapy. Click here to learn how we can help you improve your health outcomes.